Sunday, September 26, 2010

I have finally joined my generation!

I have wanted an ipod for years, seriously. So for my birthday this year I decided that I was going to get an ipod, particularly an orange or purple 16gb ipod nano. Well on Friday night my mom and I went shopping for her birthday and while we were out we stopped at Best Buy to pick me up my birthday gift. Guess what...they are discontinued! Yep no more. Best Buy doesn't even have them to sell and the new ipod nano's are on back order. So off to Walmart we go where again they have no old ipods just the new ipod nano touch. Luckily for me they have one in silver in stock so I picked it up. The little thing is pretty cool, although I am afraid I am going to lose it cuz its so small!

1 comment:

Hilary said...

That's so weird! I wonder why they're discontinued? I got mine just last summer and I love it! That's too bad...I hope you like the small one you got. I didn't like the idea of the small ones. Pretty soon we'll have our phones embedded into our ears instead of having something to hold...they just keep making things smaller and smaller. Smaller doesn't necessarily equal better in my opinion. You'll have to let me know how you like it!