Thursday, April 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Dad!

Today is my Dad's birthday!! To celebrate I wanted to make a fun dessert so I found this fun reciepe for Ice Cream Cone Cakes. They turned out pretty good I think. I could only eat half of one because of how much frosting you have to use! I would also recommend that once you eat the cake you fill the cone with real ice cream because no one likes to eat the cone just plain. I hope my dad had a great birthday and has an amazing year! He is truely the best dad in the whole world!! Happy Birthday!!!


Hilary said...

Hey Liss! Remember how we tried to make those the last time I was at your house and we couldn't figure it out? Lol. Those turned out great! Next time we get together we'll have to make them since now you know how! We need to get together soon too! Love your face and miss it too!

JaLesha said...

Oh my heck those turned out so good!! Love the pic of the entire one, the one with a few bites gone, and then the one totally eaten. Cute! I never remember about these! I should when I'm trying to figure out what to make for the boys' bdays. Might have to do these for the next one!