Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I am a big girl and big girls don't cry

New year, a new start right? Right. OK here goes. I am going to grow up, I can't be relying on everyone for everything any more. I can't always be looking for someone to help pick up the pieces of my life. I am going to do this all on my own. I NEED to do this all on my own. I need to show myself that I can make it by myself. So here I go, a new semester of school started today and I don't have my best friend by my side. We have not a single class together, it has been five semesters since that has happened. Going to school today was like taking me back to my first year in 2004, I thought I was going to be sick. Every time I walked into a new class this huge wave of panic washed over me. But I told myself I was going to be OK, and I was. I did OK. No I didn't talk to anyone because that would have been completely out of my comfort zone for the moment, but I am hoping to get back to my crazy self soon. I have made a goal to go to attend class every day and do my homework on time. I know you are shaking your head saying "Alissa, really?" But it's true, I am going to try my hardest this semester. I need to show myself that I am a strong enough person to do this, because if I can get through a semester of college with out my best friend and having a panic attack every five minutes, I can get over Roger. Like I said before I am a big girl now and big girl's don't cry.


JaLesha said...

Did you know I was totally a loner in college?? Never talked to anyone in any of my classes (unless I had to) and that was totally ok with me. You're more outgoing than I am so maybe it would bother you not to make friends in your classes but I just wanted to let you know you're not alone being alone. Hahaha. That sounds retarded but I'm leaving it anyway! Good luck this semester!! I don't miss it and I'm glad it's not me doing homework!!!! Someday you'll be done and can look back and be proud of yourself for finishing!

Missy said...

Liss I know you can do this!!!! You rock the party and I bet you'll meet some great new people!!! It took me three years of college to even make a friend in any of my classes so I know that you, who is way more outgoing then me, can have the semester of your life!!! Here's to the year of Alissa!!!!
BTW- miss ya....we should go to dinner or something!