Thursday, August 13, 2009

And July turned to August

Ok its here....the month of August. The month I have been waiting for for a year now. Well the wedding came and it was a blast. We danced and laughed the whole night! Jackie looked so pretty, I wanted to cry when she was walking down the aisle. And Doug couldn't stop smiling, it was so perfect. Now here I sit on top of a world of questions some with answers some not so much. First off to all of you wondering no I am not going on a misson. What felt so right last year feels very confusing. It is hard to explain. And to answer your next question no I do not have a boyfriend. Haha it seems like that is what is assumed when I say I am not going on a mission anymore. I am going to school in the fall, just two classes is all. My dear friend Cynthia registered me back in April...maybe she knew something :) Speaking of Cynthia her missionary comes home in a week!!! She is super excited and nervous. Which describes my feelings as well. I had a dream last night that she got married and I was all alone, it was one of the saddest dreams I have had. But I know we will always be friends even when she is married. And speaking of marriage Krystle is getting married next week, so that is added to the crazy month. My month of maddness actually started at the end of July. With a new job, my birthday, a funeral for my dear Grandpa, and Jackies was pretty stressful. So now all I have left is some fun stuff. Broadway in the Desert, a trip to Boise Idaho and a family reunion, the second half of the month should be a lot more fun!


JaLesha said...

Is the mission decision a new one then? I never get to talk to your mom anymore so I am out of the loop. Everything will turn out how it's supposed to be but it sure sucks that it isn't according to OUR time table!!!! I'm sorry life is sucky sometimes. *hugs* You are so darling! I just love you!! (did you see your birthday post on my blog? I need to get you the pictures! I have some great ones of your mom eating her pie. :o) I am in the process of moving everything over to a new external hard drive so come bug me when you want the pics!!)

Amanda Thornton said...

Oh my gosh I miss you. I am glad things are starting to winding down. I can't believe August is already half way gone. I think school will be good.