Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Last Week of School!!

How excited am I that school is almost done, pretty darn excited!! I think I am even more excited to have the semester finish than I was to have it start haha and that is saying something. Things are going good in life. I just got called as a ward Missionary, and the best part is my neighbor is my companion! I think this will be one of the best things to help me prepare for my mission. This year I am making a lot of my Christmas gifts, and they are actually turning out pretty good if I do say so myself (hopefully everyone else enjoys them as well!)


Kami D. said...

Alissa!! I didn't know that you have a blog! You really are so awesome. I love your happy, smiley personality. The first time that I met you I knew that I was going to like you. Good luck with finals!

megat said...

your blog very beautiful and more info,I like your blog