Friday, June 6, 2008

Life update

So as all of you know it has been awhile since I have posted anything (thanks Amanda and Hanah for bringing it to my attention!) So here is a little update on things. School is out and I passed all my classes much to my surprise ;) and I am quite enjoying the summer break. It is nice not to have to worry about homework, that has relived a lot of stress from work life and home life. I have registered for Fall semester and guess what is on the menu yep you guessed it MATH! I have that class with Cynthia so hopefully we can help each other, because it has been way too long since I have tried to do a math problem. I am also seriously dating my long time friend Thayne Wilson; and when I say long time I mean a long time, we have been friends for 7 years! Most of those years I have liked him. We are not official yet, haha that sounds like freakin high school, but I have a feeling we will be soon! I am on the look out for a new car, since last week I wrecked mine and am trying to get healthier since I am pre-diabetic. So there is the latest news in the life of Alissa. I hope this satisfies every ones curiosity :)


Catmull's said...

Hey babe thanks for the update. i missed you! Yeah for dating Thayne. I think it's unofficialy official when you've been out on more than about 5 dates and neither of you are seeing anyone else. So yeah! Sucks you have math again, but very cool you passed all of your classes! What do you mean to your "suprise" you passed! You are an amazing girl, of course you would pass! Silly don't doubt yourself!! Well thanks for filling me in. we need to go and play sometime soon!

Catmull's said...

Wow that was a long comment...sorry. :)

Amanda Thornton said...

Alissa I'm so glad your off for the summer. You needed it. Good luck with the math. I know I would struggle. You can do it though. You'll have pently of help. Oh yeah thanks for finally updating the blog. See ya at work.