Monday, August 25, 2008

I am not the norm....

So everyone is NOT excited to go back to school this week but I can't seem to have it come any sooner--I wish I had started today! Ok so I am weird and enjoy school (for the most part) there is just something about walking around campus in the fall that makes me feel like and adult and that I am doing something with my life...I LOVE it!! I can't wait for a routine, I do so much better when I have a schedule to follow. Cynthia says she is going to tease me in a few weeks about how excited I have been for school to start when I am the one wanting to sluff class and go to a movie, well I can't help feeling spring fever in October ;) Another reason I can not wait for school to start cuz with it comes institute, this semester I have three institute class and I am on the lunch committee! It is going to be fantastic. Tuesdays are going to be my favorite day, I will have Old Testament with Brother Rappleye (my favorite) at 9am, Tuesday Devotional at 10am and Doctrines of the Gospel at 7pm--its going to be amazing to feel the spirit and go to class learning about the Gospel it makes me want to leave for my mission today!! I went to a fireside last night and the spirit was so strong, it was wonderful knowing that I am on the right path in my life. As you can see I am pretty happy to be going back to WSU, yes it does suck sometimes but overall I enjoy my time there, I strongly believe it is only as good as you make it. So here's to higher education and spiritual exhalation!


Catmull's said...

Wow listen to you. it's good to hear you so excited about something. I'm excited for you! You sound happy. Your blog is adorable too. I love it. I miss you too!

Missy said...

You have to tell me when your farewell is and maybe a little before so that we can have one last hoorah before you go! Love ya!