Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Best Friends

Here is me and Thayne at Farr Better Ice Cream in Ogden on Friday the 13th in June. It was so much fun, we decided to pick each others ice cream flavors, I went with Tin Roof Sundae (a very safe choice I thought) for him and he chose Fire Spit for me! Haha it turned out to be cinnamon! It was actually pretty good :) After that we went for a walk at the park by the Dinosaur Park, it was a fantastic Friday the 13th! For those of you wondering we are just friends for now nothing serious.


Amanda Thornton said...

Sorry things are back to just friends. You guys seem like you have lots of fun together. Maybe in the future.....

The Dunyons said...

I just ran across your blog! I am glad all is well with you. I miss seeing you all the time. Ty and Colby and I have a blog... dunyons.blogspot.com check it out and we can keep in touch. Love ya gal, Randi